Teaching Faculty & Instructors
Teaching Faculty & Instructors
Simona Balazs
Research Director, Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK)
(859) 218-5764 | simona.balazs@uky.edu | 414 Charles E. Barnhart Building
Emily Brown
Program Coordinator, KALP and Kentucky Income Tax Seminar Program
(859) 218-3661| e.brown@uky.edu | 302 Charles E. Barnhart Building
Jodi Lynch Findley
Career Success Consultant
(859) 405-5458 | Jodi@JodiSpeaksLIFE.com
Michael McCain
Attorney, Mattingly, Simms, Robinson & McCain, PLLC
(859) 336-3901 | mwillmccain@gmail.com | 108 W. Main St. Springfield, KY 40069
Walter S. Robertson
Attorney, Stites and Harbison
(859) 226-2354 | wrobertson@stites.com | 250 West Main St. Suite 2300 Lexington, KY 40507
Jonathan D. Shepherd
Extension Specialist, Farm Management
(859) 218-4395 | jdshepherd@uky.edu | 312 Charles E. Barnhart Building
Susan Skees
Academic Coordinator, Agricultural Economics
(859) 257-1636 | susan.skees@uky.edu | 421 Charles E. Barnhart Building
Brian Thomas
Attorney, Grant, Rose & Pumphrey
(859) 744-6828 | bigthom_40391@yahoo.com | 51 South Main St. Winchester, KY 40391
Holly Wiemers
Communications Director, Ag Equine Programs
(859) 257-4883 | hfwiem2@uky.edu | N212 Ag Science Building North

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Contact UsDepartment of Agricultural Economics
400 Charles E. Barnhart Building
Lexington, KY 40546-0276