Bringing research into the Hands of the People.
Extension is the outreach component of our department. From working closely with individual farms in the Kentucky Farm Business Management program; to providing analysis to policymakers at the state, national, and global levels; to providing assistance for decision-makers in communities, agribusinesses, and farms; Agricultural Economics specialists and staff deliver timely and accurate economic analysis in a variety of formats.
Our extension efforts cover a wide range of commodities and industry areas from human resource management and small businesses, ag policy and trade, livestock and specialty crops, to economic development. We have several related programs and units housed in our department that deliver extension programs across the state every day and create new programs to meet the developing needs of Kentuckians and our communities.
In addition to working closely with county Extension educators to meet local needs, many Agricultural Economics Extension faculty hold classroom teaching appointments where they use their Extension experiences to bring economic principles to life for our students.

Extension Resources
We have numerous extension resources for farmers and producers to assist in all areas of the business including budgeting, decision-making, financial management, current market trends, etc. in a variety of formats.
Extension Articles
Our extension articles provide overviews and economic analyses in short, to-the-point articles coving timely issues and seasonal management decisions.
Browse ArticlesBudgets, Publications & Decision Aids
Our enterprise budgets are available for download and customization to specific operations to aid in financial and management decision-making. Publications and decision aids cover more in-depth topics and concepts.
Browse ResourcesAg Economic Situation & Outlook
Each December, our extension team collaborates on our annual Ag Economic Situation & Outlook to look back over the past year and projects commodity revenues for the coming year. The team presents this outlook at the Kentucky Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in Louisville and publishes its report for the public.
Current and Past Outlooks
Our Extension Programs
Lenders' Conferences
Each year we host 4 conferences for ag lenders throughout the state from December to February. Locations typically include Mayfield, Hopkinsville, Owensboro, and Lexington with faculty and staff covering timely topics specific to each region of the state and discussing upcoming and potential areas of concern with lenders to inform program offerings through our extension efforts.
Economic Subject Matter Agent Training
Every winter, extension faculty and staff conduct all-day in-service trainings for county agriculture and natural resources (ANR) agents across the state. The purpose of the ESM trainings is to educate county agents on current economic issues, highlight new publications/tools that are available to them as they assist their clientele in the coming year, foster our relationships with agents and ask for feedback and recommendations on programming needs.
Beef Business Foundations Video Series
This video series focuses on the foundation skills and theory behind raising beef cattle and what new producers need to know before entering the business or for existing beef producers to consider to ensure success.
Learn MoreBackgrounding/Stocker Profitability Conferences
The Backgrounding/Stocker Profitability Conference is a webinar series hosted over 3 nightly sessions focusing on key concepts for margin operations, budgeting for profit, and managing and protecting profits.
Conference MaterialsCow-Calf Profitability Conferences
Presented during one-day, intensive seminars, our Cow-Calf Profitability Conferences focus on key topics for beef products. Seminars are delivered by UK Agricultural Economics Extension through the Kentucky Beef Network funded by the Kentucky Agriculture Development Board.
Conference Materials
Collaborative Efforts

Economic & Policy Update E-newsletter
Each month, extension faculty and staff collaborate on 3-5 short, timely articles in our Economic and Policy Update (EPU) e-newsletter. We also include new program and event announcements. Subscribers receive early access and new issues straight to their inboxes.
Cattle Market Notes Weekly
This weekly email is a collaborative effort between our own Kenny Burdine, Josh Maples of Mississippi State University and James Mitchell of University of Arkansas that focuses on bringing relevant, timely information to cattle producers across the southern region including market updates, pasture conditions, futures prices, etc.
Southern Ag Today
Providing timely, concise, insightful analysis on issues facing southern agriculture, Southern Ag Today has officially launched as a daily email to keep producers and policymakers informed through easy-to-read articles designed to fit the busy schedules of today's agriculture.
Read & Subscribe
Specialty Extension Programs
We have several specialty extension programs and units housed in our department that specialize in specific areas and needs across that state and produce educational resources and programming. In addition, we collaborate with several related programs and units in our college and across Kentucky.

Kentucky Farm Business Management (KFBM) Program
Serving the agricultural industry since 1962.
KFBM services include assisting member farmers track financial performance, determine the profitability of individual enterprises, improve management practices, complete tax returns, set business and personal goals, and make sound management decisions. Learn more.

Center for Crop Diversification
Learn. Grow. Profit.
The Center for Crop Diversification is a regional effort at the University of Kentucky to offer resources for specialty crop producers in the southeast and midwest United States. We offer price reports for farmers markets and produce auctions, publications on a wide variety of marketing channels and crops, budgets for small- and large-scale operations, and much more. Learn more.

Kentucky Agricultural Leadership Program (KALP)
Tomorrow's Ag Leaders Start Here.
KALP is an intensive two-year program designed for young agricultural producers and agribusiness individuals who want to further develop their leadership skills.
The program consists of eleven sessions devoted to important/timely issues affecting agriculture and sessions focusing on improving participants' communication, leadership, and management skills.
291 participants over the course of eleven classes have graduated from KALP. Learn more.

MarketReady Producer Training Program
Get MarketReady.
Many farmers are hesitant, or unprepared, to meet the requirements that buyers from local restaurants, schools, and grocery/wholesale/retail businesses have for their suppliers. Buyers need their suppliers to manage their own food safety, insurance, product quality, traceability risks, and much more. MarketReady addresses these issues and seeks to educate our fabulous food suppliers about how to succeed in today's markets, in order to keep farming. The training is based around best business practices identified by buyers in these markets that are actively seeking to engage local suppliers. MarketReady will help farm vendors selling dairy, fruits, meats, vegetables, value added products, and more create a successful business strategy. Learn more.

University of Kentucky Income Tax Seminar Program
Continuing Education for Professional Tax Preparers.
The University of Kentucky Department of Agricultural Economics and the Cooperative Extension Service, in cooperation with the Internal Revenue Service and the Kentucky Department of Revenue, present a series of tax education seminars throughout the state. The seminars are designed to present updates for both federal and state tax preparation for tax professionals, enrolled agents, certified public accountants, certified financial planners, and attorneys.
Designed for professional tax preparers with at least one year of tax preparation experience, this is a two-day, intermediate seminar covering individual and small business issues, including the latest changes to both the Federal and State tax laws. Learn more.

Connect with Us.
Ag Econ Insider E-newsletter
Keep up with recent graduates, student activities & clubs, departmental updates, extension programs, recent awards, and more in one short, easy read through our triannual e-newsletter.
SubscribeEconomic & Policy Update E-newsletter
Each month, extension faculty and staff collaborate on 3-5 short, timely articles in our Economic and Policy Update (EPU) e-newsletter. We also include new program and event announcements.
SubscribeContact Us
We are here to help. If you need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Faculty, staff, instructors, and graduate students have contact information available through the "Our People" page or connect with us on our socials.
Contact UsDepartment of Agricultural Economics
400 Charles E. Barnhart Building
Lexington, KY 40546-0276