Related Programs & Units
Related Programs & Units

Kentucky Farm Business Management (KFBM) Program
Serving the agricultural industry since 1962.
KFBM services include assisting member farmers track financial performance, determine the profitability of individual enterprises, improve management practices, complete tax returns, set business and personal goals, and make sound management decisions. Learn more.

Community & Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK)
Engaged Communities. Vibrant Economies.
CEDIK offers a suite of services for community and industry stakeholders needing research-based information. Our experienced research team is proficient with several proprietary data sources, methods of analysis, and GIS mapping capabilities.
CEDIK also facilitates programming and processes that support economic development, community leadership development, community design, arts engagement, and healthy communities. Learn more.

Kentucky Agricultural Leadership Program (KALP)
Tomorrow's Ag Leaders Start Here.
KALP is an intensive two year program designed for young agricultural producers and agribusiness individuals who want to further develop their leadership skills.
The program consists of eleven sessions devoted to important/timely issues affecting agriculture and sessions focusing on improving participant's communication, leadership, and management skills.
291 participants over the course of eleven classes have graduated from KALP. Learn more.

Food Systems Innovation Center (FSIC)
We bring together many resources.
FSIC was created to assist processors, producers and entrepreneurs to maximize their market capabilities by having access to UK's technical and business expertise. We have combined resources from the Department of Animal and Food Sciences and the Department of Agricultural Economics to help you build your business and to follow government regulations that can be daunting when trying to get through them by yourself. Learn more.

MarketReady Producer Training Program
Get MarketReady.
Many farmers are hesitant, or unprepared, to meet the requirements that buyers from local restaurants, schools, and grocery/wholesale/retail businesses have for their suppliers. Buyers need their suppliers to manage their own food safety, insurance, product quality, traceability risks, and much more. MarketReady addresses these issues and seeks to educate our fabulous food suppliers about how to succeed in today's markets, in order to keep farming. The training is based around best business practices identified by buyers in these markets that are actively seeking to engage local suppliers. MarketReady will help farm vendors selling dairy, fruits, meats, vegetables, value added products, and more create a successful business strategy. Learn more.

University of Kentucky Income Tax Seminar Program
Continuing Education for Professional Tax Preparers.
The University of Kentucky Department of Agricultural Economics and the Cooperative Extension Service, in cooperation with the Internal Revenue Service and the Kentucky Department of Revenue, present a series of tax education seminars throughout the state. The seminars are designed to present updates for both federal and state tax preparation for tax professionals, enrolled agents, certified public accountants, certified financial planners, and attorneys.
Designed for professional tax preparers with at least one year of tax preparation experience, this is a two-day, intermediate seminar covering individual and small business issues, including the latest changes to both the Federal and State tax laws. Learn more.

The Food Connection
Your Food, Our Mission.
The Food Connection exists to serve farmers, food producers, students, and consumers through creative strategies for a vibrant, healthy, sustainable food economy. On- and off-campus, we support innovative and interdisciplinary instruction, high-impact service, and outreach with cutting-edge research on foods and food systems.
We value local food products, fostering community partnerships, and using research and education as a foundation for exciting events at The 90 and around Lexington. Learn more.

Kentucky Small Business Development Center
Start Smart. Fund Smart. Grow Smart.
The Kentucky Small Business Development Center has been assisting the Commonwealth’s small business community for over 40 years. With centers statewide and an experienced and knowledgeable staff, the Kentucky SBDC provides unparalleled business coaching and training services to help existing business owners and potential entrepreneurs start, grow, and succeed – all at no cost. Our services include one-on-one business coaching, training workshops, access to market research, loan packaging help, assistance with financial projections and information needed to make informed business decisions.

Center for Crop Diversification
Learn. Grow. Profit.
The Center for Crop Diversification is a regional effort at the University of Kentucky to offer resources for specialty crop producers in the southeast and midwest United States. We offer price reports for farmers markets and produce auctions, publications on a wide variety of marketing channels and crops, budgets for small- and large-scale operations, and much more. Learn more.

UK Industrial Hemp Agronomic Research
Research and Extension efforts aimed at optimizing yields and profitability from grain, fiber, and cannabinoid production models for U.S. producers.
The reintroduction of industrial hemp production in the United States has sparked significant interest. Over 1,000 producers in Kentucky have shown interest in the crop by signing up for over 55,000 plus acres collectively for the 2019 production year through the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Learn more.

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Contact UsDepartment of Agricultural Economics
400 Charles E. Barnhart Building
Lexington, KY 40546-0276