H.B. Price Graduate Fellowship
H.B. Price Graduate Fellowship
The H.B. Price Graduate Fellowship in Regional Economics is available to one selected graduate student. The selected student will identify, in agreement with his/her advising committee, specific research topics, which may focus on (but are not limited to) issues related to regional economics including rural development, labor economics, firm formation, and targeted attraction, economic geography, rural health, and other policy-relevant topics.
To be eligible for the H.B. Price Fellowship you must be admitted to the Agricultural Economics graduate program and offered an assistantship. The Fellowship will be above and beyond a departmental assistantship.
Strong candidates will possess a passion for studying regional economics and the translation of research for lay audiences and decision-making. Formal training in economics (including econometrics and microeconomics) and a demonstrated facility with mathematics and/or quantitative methods is expected, but candidates with survey research and interdisciplinary backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Previous research experience, excellent written and oral communication, organizational skills, ability to work independently, and experience in any segment of regional economics are desirable.
The student will be working with Dr. Alison Davis, Professor of Agricultural Economics and director of the Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky (CEDIK). The University of Kentucky is also home to the Kentucky Research Data Center and a nationally-renowned economics department (Gatton College of Business and Economics) and public policy school (Martin School). These two departments provide an excellent opportunity for additional classroom training, collaboration and conducting multidisciplinary research.
Graduate assistantship includes:
- A competitive stipend, commensurate with the student's experience and engagement in research for two years
- Full tuition support
- Full medical insurance
- The student will be responsible for required graduate fees
- Financial support for one annual trip to present research
To apply:
The position is open until filled. All applications for admission are made directly to The Graduate School. In addition to the required materials, please ensure your narrative focuses on your application to the H.B. Price Graduate Fellowship by stating your specific interest in regional economics and intended area of focus.