Timothy Woods

Last Revised: Oct 21st, 2022
Professional Biography
Agribusiness management and marketing with special emphasis on horticulture, food business development, consumer and direct markets, and farm entrepreneurship; MarketReady Training for Specialty Crop Growers, a producer training program designed to educate producers on best business practices associated with selling to grocery, restaurant, wholesale, and other institutional markets; UK Food Systems Innovation Center; Center for Crop Diversification; Going to the Farm-acy: The Effect of CSA-Backed Produce Prescriptions on Eating Behaviors and Health Outcomes in Rural Kentucky.
Contact me for assistance with:
Agribusiness Management and Marketing, and Marketing Horticultural Products
Selected Publications
Jairus Rossi, Timothy A. Woods, and Alison Davis (2018), “The Local Food System Vitality Index: A pilot analysis to demonstrate a process for measuring system performance and development”, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
Woods, Tim, Ali Asgari, and Jairus Rossi (2018), “Trust Signals and Legitimacy in Local Products for Local Markets”, Choices 33(3)
Rossi, Jairus J., Timothy A. Woods, and James E. Allen IV (2017), “Impacts of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Voucher Program on Food Lifestyle Behaviors: Evidence from an Employer-Sponsored Pilot Program," Sustainability 9(9), 1543, August 2017. doi:10.3390/su9091543
Timothy Woods, Matthew Ernst, and Debra Tropp (2017). “Community Supported Agriculture – New Models for Changing Markets”. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, April 2017.
Allen, James, IV, Jairus Rossi, Timothy Woods, Alison Davis, (2016) “Do community supported agriculture programmes encourage change to food lifestyle behaviours and health outcomes? New evidence from shareholders,” International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, doi: 10.1080/14735903.2016.1177866.