Kenny Burdine

Last Revised: Jul 12th, 2024
Professional Biography
Kenny grew up in Jessamine County, KY where his family produced tobacco and raised cattle and sheep. He received his B.S. in Agricultural Economics in December of 1999 and began working as an Extension Associate in the Department of Agricultural Economics. He pursued his graduate degrees on a part-time basis completing his M.S. in 2003 and Ph.D. in 2011. Kenny joined the Agricultural Economics faculty in 2012 and is currently an Extension Professor in livestock economics.
Kenny focuses his extension program in the areas of livestock marketing, price risk management, and general profitability. He travels extensively and delivers 40-60 programs each year directly for livestock producers. His applied research interests are primarily focused on marketing and decision-making for beef, dairy, and forage producers. Kenny also teaches a livestock marketing class on campus, which is taken by 30-40 undergraduates each fall.
Contact me for assistance with:
Livestock marketing strategies, market outlook, price risk management using commodity futures and insurance products, general profitability and decision making for cow-calf, stocker, and backgrounding operations
For a more detailed overview of Kenny's areas of expertise and role in the department, check out his Meet the Team | AEC Extension: Dr. Kenny Burdine video on youtube.
University/Committee Involvement
Member of the Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation
Faculty Advisor for UK’s Alpha Gamma Rho Omicron Chapter
Recent Publications:
The Kentucky Beef Book, 2021. ID-108. February 2021.
Allison, John Jr., Kenneth H. Burdine, Carl Dillon, S. Ray Smith, David M. Butler, Gary E. Bates, and Gina M. Pighetti. Optimal Forage and Supplemental Balance for Organic Dairy Farms in the Southeastern United States. Agricultural Systems. April 2021.
Boyer, Christopher. Andrew P. Griffith, Jada M. Thompson, Justin Rhinehart, Kenneth H. Burdine, and Kevin Laurent. Bred Heifer Price Determinants in the Southeast. Journal of Applied Farm Economics. 2020.
Hawkins, Anna, Kenneth H. Burdine, Donna M. Amaral-Phillips, and Joao HC Costa. Effects of Housing System on Dairy Heifer Replacement Cost from Birth to Calving: Evaluating Costs of Confinement, Dry-Lot, and Pasture-Based Systems and Their Impact on Total Rearing Investment. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. October 2020.
Hawkins, Anna, Kenneth H. Burdine, Donna M. Amaral-Phillips, and Joao HC Costa. “Effects of Housing System on Dairy Heifer Replacement Cost from Birth to Calving: Evaluating Costs of Confinement, Dry-Lot and Pasture-Based Systems and their Impact on Total Rearing Investment.” Frontiers in Veterinary Science. August 2020.
Shockley, Jordan M., Tyler B. Mark, Kenneth H. Burdine, and Levi Russell. “Financial Implications from Contracting Avian Influenza in a U.S. Broiler Operation.” Journal of Applied Farm Economics. Spring 2020.
Hawkins, Anna, Kenneth H. Burdine, Donna Amaral-Phillips, and Joao H.C. Costa. “An Economic Analysis of the Costs Associated with Pre-weaning Management Strategies for Dairy Heifers.” Animals. July 2019.
Peake, Madeline D., Kenneth H. Burdine, Tyler B. Mark, and Ben M. Goff. “Factors Affecting Hay Prices at Auction: A Hedonic Analysis.” Agronomy Journal. February 2019.
Griffith, Andrew, Kenneth H. Burdine, and David Anderson. “Managing the Beef Cattle Herd though the Cattle Cycle.” Surviving the Farm Economy Downturn. 2018.
Kruze, Owen, Kenneth H. Burdine, and Tyler B. Mark. “The Unique Qualities of the Southern Milk Marketing Orders.” 2017.
Burdine, Kenneth H. “Using Futures Markets to Manage Price Risk for Feeder Cattle.” 2013.