Steve Isaacs

Steve Isaacs
Extension Professor, Farm Management and HR Specialist, Co-Director | Kentucky Agricultural Leadership Program (KALP)
FacultyLast Revised: Sep 19th, 2024
Professional Biography
My mission is to communicate sound economic and management principles to diverse audiences in a manner appropriate for each.
Steve Isaacs has worked at the University of Kentucky for 23 years as an Extension farm management specialist with programs in farm financial management, human resource management, and the economics of injury prevention. Dr. Isaacs serves as co-director of the Kentucky Agricultural Leadership Program and director of the UK Income Tax Seminars.
He teaches Ag Management Principles and Human Resource Management at UK and has been active in undergraduate curriculum development and student advising. Dr. Isaacs has delivered over 800 Extension presentations/workshops, authored or collaborated on 250 print or electronic publications, and has directed or co-directed over $6 million of externally funded programming.
He is a past member and chair of both the North Central Extension Farm Management committee, and the Southern Extension Farm Management committee, former chair of the UK College of Agriculture Faculty Council, served one term on the University Faculty Senate, and has served terms on both the College and Extension Area tenure and promotion committees. He served for eight years on the National FFA Farm Business Management Career Development Event committee.
Dr. Isaacs has received Outstanding Extension Program awards from the Southern Agricultural Economics Association in 1998 and 2006; the Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals in 1998, 2004, 2006, 2013 and 2015; and the American Agricultural Economics Association in 2006. He has received the UK Alumni Association Great Teacher Award, the Gamma Sigma Delta Master Teacher Award, the Joe T. Davis Outstanding Advisor Award, the MD Whitaker Outstanding Extension Specialist Award, and the Honorary American FFA Degree.
International experience includes on-site training, consultation, participation in professional meetings, and/or leading educational tours in France, Ukraine, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Canada, Scotland, Namibia, South Africa, Poland, and New Zealand.