Items: Grains
Economic Costs for Establishing and Terminating Cover Crops
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor and Robert Ellis | Graduate Student
Published on Jun. 1, 2019
This decision tool has been created to assist producers in calculating the direct cost of implementing cover crops into their current rotation. This tool uses input and machinery costs to generate an estimated cost associated with growing cover crops. No revenue streams or beneficial factors were taken into account in this tool.
Economic Costs for Baling Wheat Straw
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
Published on Oct. 1, 2018
This decision tool has been created to assist producers in calculating costs based on owning the equipment or custom hire rates. It is assumed that the baling operation follows the combine during (or soon after) the harvesting of wheat for grain. Author(s) Contact Information:
Post-Harvest Management: The Economics of Grain Drying
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
Published on Oct. 1, 2018
Kentucky has over 200 million bushels of on-farm grain storage capacity as of 2016. Since 2002, total on-farm grain storage capacity has increased each year (USDA-NASS, 2017). As a producer evaluates there storage capabilities and post-harvest management strategy, investing in a new grain drying system may be a part of that evaluation.
Kentucky ANR Agent Land Value and Cash Rent Survey (2018)
By Greg Halich | Associate Extension Professor and Samantha Kindred | Extension Associate
Published on Feb. 1, 2018
In 2018 Agriculture and Natural Resource (ANR) agents were surveyed to estimate land values and rental rates for various types of farmland. A total of 70 ANR agents completed this survey out of 120 counties, representing approximately 60% of the state total.
Days Suitable for Fieldwork in Kentucky
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor and Tyler Mark | Professor
Published on Sep. 1, 2017
Weather risk plays a unique role and influences many decisions made on the farm. Weather determines when you can get into the field and your ability to perform timely operations such as planting, fertilizing, spraying, and harvesting. Delays from weather events of time-sensitive operations will result in substantial yield and economic losses.
Post-Harvest Management: The Economics of Grain Transportation
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
Published on Sep. 1, 2016
While transporting grain to the market may be the last input cost in the production of grain, it is a critical decision a producer has to make, especially when margins are thin. Determining which market to sell your grain (if you have options) can be a complex decision.
Map of Kentucky Grain and Oilseed Markets
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
Published on Jul. 1, 2016
A custom Google Map has been created to include the 80+ locations of grain and oilseed markets across Kentucky and into Tennessee and Ohio. Author(s) Contact Information:
Sorghum-Corn Comparison Budget | 2016
By Greg Halich | Associate Extension Professor and Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
Published on Apr. 21, 2016
Purpose: This Decision Aid has been constructed to help producers decide between sorghum and corn production.
Grain Hauling Decision Guide
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
Published on Apr. 1, 2016
This decision tool has been created to help producers choose what buyer to sell their grain to based on the hauling cost to each location, cash price each buyer is offering, and the moisture discount method each buyer implements. Author(s) Contact Information:
Flexible Cash Lease Decision-Aid
By Greg Halich | Associate Extension Professor and Samantha Kindred | Extension Associate
Published on Mar. 1, 2016
This spreadsheet is designed to assist the land owner and producer in deciding if a flexible cash lease can accommodate their situation. The user determines the expected flex rent based on a series of input questions and then compares it to a typical cash lease. The spreadsheet also estimates the gross profit per year based on this input.