Post-Harvest Management: The Economics of Grain Drying
Post-Harvest Management: The Economics of Grain Drying

Kentucky has over 200 million bushels of on-farm grain storage capacity as of 2016. Since 2002, total on-farm grain storage capacity has increased each year (USDA-NASS, 2017). As a producer evaluates there storage capabilities and post-harvest management strategy, investing in a new grain drying system may be a part of that evaluation. Implementing a grain drying system has plenty of advantages such as increasing your harvest windows, harvest quality, efficiency, and marketing. Conversely, it can often be a significant investment requiring some thought out decision-making. Many factors will affect the decision on whether to implement a drying system including dryer ownership and investment cost, access to fuel and electricity, and management and marketing capabilities. Examining these factors closely will allow producers to determine the most profitable system for their operation. This publication describes the types of grain drying systems available to Kentucky producers, how to acquire a grain drying system, federal assistance programs, economic costs, and resources to determine the return on investment of a grain drying system.
Author(s) Contact Information:
Alex Butler
Jordan Shockley |
Sam McNeill |
Todd Davis
Grains Management & Finance