Surviving the Farm Economy Downturn
Surviving the Farm Economy Downturn
Published on Dec. 1, 2017

This collection of papers is the result of efforts by a group of Extension economists across the South. The genesis for these educational programs began where all good extension education programs begin: the needs of farmers and ranchers in the region. Booms and busts in the agricultural economy are not new. The current period of low crop and livestock prices are following high prices. Yet this sustained period of disastrously low prices is following investment due to high prices. Many producers in the South are struggling to survive. Today’s obvious comparison is to the farm crisis of the 1980s. This set of papers starts with examining conditions in agriculture in the 1980s and today. The papers then address issues in crop and livestock agriculture, crisis management strategies, and making the hard decisions on exiting. Financial problems in times of crisis lead to incredible stress on farm families. The final paper examines the difficult issue of suicide, including recognizing signs of stress, and encourages people to not leave a caring word unsaid. These educational materials are developed by Extension economists across the South working together in the Southern Extension Committee. This collection of Extension economists have worked together for several decades to develop educational materials to benefit farmers and ranchers in the South.
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Southern Extension Committee and subject matter experts including UK Agricultural Economics faculty:
Management & Finance