Articles Archive
Displaying 241 - 250 of 281 items
PPP Loan Forgiveness
By Jennifer Rogers | KFBM Area Extension Specialist
on May. 27, 2020
Several weeks ago, Congress passed the CARES Act, which included legislation to provide loans to small businesses. One of the loans administered through the Small Business Administration (SBA) became commonly referred to as PPP loans, or Paycheck Protection Program. According to the SBA, the PPP loan “is designed to provide a direct incentive
Kentucky Specialty Crop Impacts of COVID-19
Published on May. 27, 2020
It has been comforting and exciting to see the resiliency shown by Kentucky specialty crop producers this spring during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, unlike other states, all specialty crop operations were considered essential businesses and therefore able to continue to provide valuable products and services to consumers.
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) Update
By Kenny Burdine | Extension Professor and Will Snell | Extension Professor
on May. 27, 2020
USDA has announced details of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) designed to compensate farmers who have suffered losses due to COVID-19.
Economic Factors Affecting Agricultural Trade
By Will Snell | Extension Professor
on Apr. 1, 2020
With 95% of the world’s population residing outside of the United States, coupled with around 20% of U.S. farm production (or 1/3 of ag cash receipts) being purchased by foreign consumers, agricultural trade is a critical component of the U.S. farm economy.
Economic Costs for Establishing and Terminating Cover Crops
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor and Robert Ellis | Graduate Student
on Jun. 1, 2019
This decision tool has been created to assist producers in calculating the direct cost of implementing cover crops into their current rotation. This tool uses input and machinery costs to generate an estimated cost associated with growing cover crops. No revenue streams or beneficial factors were taken into account in this tool.
Resources Available to Farmers Struggling with Farm Financial Stress
By Alison Davis | Extension Professor,
Greg Halich | Associate Extension Professor,
Jerry Pierce | KFBM Program Coordinator,
Jonathan Shepherd | Extension Specialist,
Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor,
Kenny Burdine | Extension Professor,
Sarah Bowker | CEDIK Managing Director,
and Steve Isaacs | Extension Professor
Published on Apr. 1, 2019
Farmers have been facing many financial stress issues related to commodity prices and the overall farm economy.
The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill)
By Will Snell | Extension Professor
on Jan. 1, 2019
The 2018 Farm Bill was passed by Congress and signed by the President last month. In reality, the structure of the 2018 Farm Bill is not much different than the previous farm bill (2014) with crop insurance, Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) remaining the main safety net components for program crops.
Economic Costs for Baling Wheat Straw
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
on Oct. 1, 2018
This decision tool has been created to assist producers in calculating costs based on owning the equipment or custom hire rates. It is assumed that the baling operation follows the combine during (or soon after) the harvesting of wheat for grain. Author(s) Contact Information:
Post-Harvest Management: The Economics of Grain Drying
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
on Oct. 1, 2018
Kentucky has over 200 million bushels of on-farm grain storage capacity as of 2016. Since 2002, total on-farm grain storage capacity has increased each year (USDA-NASS, 2017). As a producer evaluates there storage capabilities and post-harvest management strategy, investing in a new grain drying system may be a part of that evaluation.
Kentucky ANR Agent Land Value and Cash Rent Survey (2018)
By Greg Halich | Associate Extension Professor and Samantha Kindred | Extension Associate
on Feb. 1, 2018
In 2018 Agriculture and Natural Resource (ANR) agents were surveyed to estimate land values and rental rates for various types of farmland. A total of 70 ANR agents completed this survey out of 120 counties, representing approximately 60% of the state total.