Articles Archive
Displaying 221 - 230 of 281 items
Fall 2020 Wheat Planting Decision
By Greg Halich | Associate Extension Professor
on Sep. 28, 2020
Beautiful early-fall conditions are resulting in another early corn harvest this year, and Kentucky grain farmers will soon decide if and how much wheat they will plant this fall. Compared to last year, there is a significant increase in wheat prices and a slight increase in soybean prices. These changes will make planting wheat more attractiv
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (2.0)
By Kenny Burdine | Extension Professor and Will Snell | Extension Professor
on Sep. 23, 2020
USDA has announced a second round of Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) payments for farmers impacted by COVID-19.
Payroll Requirements for Farm Employers
By Michael Forsythe | KFBM Area Extension Specialist
on Sep. 22, 2020
Farming operations come in all different shapes and sizes. This means their need for employees is also different. A small farm may not need to hire any employees, but a bigger farm may need to hire full-time and/or part-time employees. When a farmer decides to hire an employee, there are several steps they need to take to make sure all of the
Considerations for Future Utility Scale Solar Farm Developments
By Alison Davis | Extension Professor
on Sep. 1, 2020
An effort to rely on renewable resources instead of nonrenewable has the potential to meet the increased global demand for electricity. Both solar and wind energy have the potential to offset a significant fraction of non-renewable electricity demands, yet it occupies extensive land when deployed at levels large enough to meet global demand.
Government Payments 2010-2019
By Jerry Pierce | KFBM Program Coordinator
on Aug. 25, 2020
Agricultural government payments were created to help provide financial stability for farms and farmers. In recent years they have become a substantial support to ailing farm income. Background
The Chicken or the Egg? The Untold Story during a Pandemic
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
on Aug. 25, 2020
Most people are familiar with the age-old question, which came first, the chicken or the egg? During a nationwide pandemic, which left the grocery shelf first, the chicken or the egg? While consumers across the country began "panic buying" during the onset of COVID-19, all protein sources were limited. The food industry's just-in-time supply
Managing Risk with Insurance
By Lauren Omer Turley | KFBM Area Extension Specialist
on Aug. 25, 2020
With all of the uncertainties we face in agriculture today, it is important to manage risk. We can’t control the markets, the weather, or the dangers of working in agriculture, but there are tools that can help manage those risks. Insurance is one of the tools that can be used in various manners.
2020 Land Values Report
By Steve Isaacs | Extension Professor
on Aug. 13, 2020
The 2020 Land Values Summary was released by USDA on Thursday, August 6. This annual report indicates the average value of all land and buildings on farms in the US, and by state and region. Three categories are measured: Farm Real Estate Value, Cropland Value, and Pasture value.
Crop Insurance as a Tool for Managing Farm Risk
By Jerry Pierce | KFBM Program Coordinator
on Jul. 28, 2020
Crop insurance was authorized by Congress in the 1930s on an experimental basis to insure against crop loss from “unavoidable perils beyond the farmer's control.” It was made permanent with the passage of the Federal Crop Insurance Act of 1980.