Items: Management & Finance
Does the IRS Consider my Farming Operation a Hobby Farm?
By Tarrah Hardin | KFBM Area Extension Specialist
Published on Jun. 29, 2021
Many producers that have both farm and non-farm income, may question if the IRS considers their farming activities to be a “business” or a “hobby”. This is a very important distinction to both the farmer and the IRS due to the IRS treatment of business income versus “hobby” income.
Estate Transfer under the Proposed American Families Plan
By Jerry Pierce | KFBM Program Coordinator
Published on Jun. 29, 2021
On May 28th the Biden Administration released a general explanation of its proposed tax changes.
People Skills: Appropriate Feedback
By Steve Isaacs | Extension Professor
Published on Jun. 29, 2021
Farmers manage crops and cattle, machinery and marketing, land and labor. That last one may be the most difficult. People are the most important resource in a farm business. Nothing productive happens unless people are doing something with the crops, cattle, machinery, marketing, and land.
Proposed Gift and Estate Tax Changes
By Laura Powers | KFBM Area Extension Specialist
Published on May. 28, 2021
You may have been reading in the news lately about proposed changes to various tax laws and their impact on farmers.
Solar Farming Considerations
By Alison Davis | Extension Professor
Published on May. 28, 2021
An effort to rely on renewable resources instead of nonrenewable has the potential to meet the increased global demand for electricity. Both solar and wind energy have the potential to offset a significant fraction of non-renewable electricity demands, yet it occupies extensive land when deployed at levels large enough to meet global demand.
U.S. and Global Food Price Inflation
By Will Snell | Extension Professor
Published on May. 28, 2021
Food price inflation continues to be headline news as the food system adjusts from the lingering effects of COVID-19 amidst tight labor/ag supplies, a resurgence in the U.S. economy, and a host of other factors discussed below.
Contractor or Employee?
By Jennifer Rogers | KFBM Area Extension Specialist
Published on Apr. 29, 2021
Extra help is often needed around the farm. It can be easy to get someone to come help out when needed and pay them at the end of the day for the job completed. What gets difficult is knowing the difference between contract labor and an employee. A lot of the time, this distinction between contractor or employee may not come up until the end
Mobile Apps in Agricultural Economics
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
Published on Apr. 1, 2021
We have smartphone apps for everything these days, including apps for farmers and producers in areas such as marketing, management, policy, agribusiness, and economic development. This publication provides an overview of apps designed to aid in these areas, which topics they cover, and their availability via Apple or Google smartphones.
USDA Announces Additional Pandemic Assistance for Farmers
By Kenny Burdine | Extension Professor and Will Snell | Extension Professor
Published on Mar. 30, 2021
On March 24th, U.S.
ARC-PLC Farm Bill Decision 2021
By Greg Halich | Associate Extension Professor
Published on Feb. 25, 2021
Starting in 2018, grain farmers have had the ability to decide on a yearly basis between the ARC and PLC Farm Bill programs. The decision needs to be made for each base-acre crop type (corn, soybeans, wheat) on each FSA farm. You can choose PLC for one crop type, and ARC for another crop type on the same farm.