Education Abroad

Education Abroad
As a UK student, you can study abroad during any term starting the summer after your freshman year. Important factors, like your major, degree plan and progress, budget, and campus involvement, are important factors to determine when and where to study abroad. Early planning will give you more flexibility in program and location choice. Use your Major Advising Page to kickstart your planning process and navigate conversations with your academic and education abroad advisors, as well as your support network and other campus contacts.
Why should you be interested in Education Abroad?
Education Abroad can help you:
- Complete UK Core General Education Requirements
- Earn credits towards your major, minor, or elective requirements
- Explore new areas of study through general elective courses
- Earn academic credit for an internship or research project
Ready to Get Started?
Our First Steps Information Sessions are a great place to start if you have questions about Education Abroad and Exchanges, what to think about when considering a program, how to select a program, cost, financial aid and scholarships, etc. UK EA requires you to attend one of these sessions before meeting with your EA Advisor!
In addition to using the resources in the Education Abroad office, you should also make sure to spend some time talking to your academic advisor.
With your academic advisor, you can keep track of your overall progress toward graduation, and they can help you to identify which classes would be best for your take abroad. This is especially important if you are interested in going abroad for a semester and academic year, but all students should plan to talk to their advisors about going abroad.
Once you have an idea of which classes you need to take, you can use this information to help you select the best EA program for you.
UK Education Abroad & Exchanges (UK EA) works with colleges and departments on campus to help you select programs which contribute towards your degree. Check out our Program Search to find your perfect program!
Check the Cost Sheet
- Each program has a "Cost" or "Costs & Scholarships" tab. Find the cost sheet for your program.
- Select the correct term from the dropdown box at the top (e.g. Spring, Summer, etc.)
- Select any required fields (such as tuition)
- Click the print icon to save.
Study abroad might be more affordable than you realize, particularly if you apply early!
UK Education Abroad & Exchanges Scholarships
UK EA maintains a Scholarships Database featuring scholarships from UK Education Abroad & Exchanges, university colleges and departments, our partners, and more. Scholarships range in award amount and eligibility requirements. Visit our Scholarships Database to browse awards and apply.
AEC Undergraduate Opportunity Fund
Our commitment to our students extends beyond the classroom. Through generous alumni gifts, our AEC Undergraduate Opportunity Fund can aid students in the financial aspects of pursuing these career-enhancing opportunities.
Learn MoreBrannon International Fund
To further support international experiences, the Brannon International Fund can aid students in the pursuit of opportunities including education abroad programs, international conferences and competitions, and international internships.
Learn MoreBeing someone who enjoys all aspects of global travel as well as agriculture, this experience was one of the most memorable and important of my college career. While in Argentina we spent much of our time meeting with grain companies, many of which are leaders in the international grain trading industry. These meetings were extremely influential for me since after college I hope to start a career in the grain industry, working in sales and marketing.
Brady Pate Experience Argentina
This trip was not only an educational experience, but also a personal experience. Because of this experience, I am much more understanding of the different cultures in the world, and also more aware of different ways to produce in the agriculture industry. Having experienced what many others have not had the chance to was truly eye-opening for me. Before this, I had only experienced the United States culture and agriculture, but this trip has opened me up to a whole new world.
Sarah Bryant Experience Argentina
I had the incredible opportunity to spend three and a half months living, studying, and working in London, England. I built my professional network while applying the principles I have learned in Agricultural Economics classes as an intern for an international environmental nonprofit, in a role that was as rewarding as it was educational. My background in Ag Econ exposed me to the importance of the intersection of policy, economics, agriculture, and the environment and exercising this knowledge with research on its application to international institutions was rewarding.
Zoe Gabrielson London Education Abroad