The Center for Crop Diversification: A Resource to Farm Market Vendors and Retail Markets
The Center for Crop Diversification: A Resource to Farm Market Vendors and Retail Markets
Published on Nov. 29, 2022

As the Kentucky produce season comes to an end, so does a summer staple: farm market spaces. Throughout Kentucky, there are more than 2,700 vendors who practice direct-to-consumer marketing, giving farm markets and retail stores extensive outreach to our communities. With this outreach comes a need for support for these agri-businesses. Whether a producer turned their beekeeping hobby into a local honey product, a few lavender plants into value-added items, or a garden into a diversified produce operation, resources are necessary to cultivate ideas into realities. Kentucky producers are occupied running their operations for a significant portion of the year, so cold-weather months are the perfect time to explore resources to start formulating new and prosperous ideas for the next season. The Center for Crop Diversification is an invaluable resource that provides the meaningful support necessary to help Kentucky’s producers accomplish their goals. The CCD’s resources are diverse and useful to any Kentucky producer, but specifically those in farm market and farm retail store spaces.
This summer, I had the wonderful opportunity to intern with the Center for Crop Diversification. The experience was fulfilling since it allowed me to see the direct impact being made in Kentucky through our extension services. Some of the tasks I assisted with were farm market price reporting, data entry for produce auctions, and writing and assisting with publications. To accomplish these tasks, I had almost weekly interactions with producers. I met with cut-flower vendors at the Lexington Farmers Market, visited newly established agri-tourism destinations, and more. These interactions lead to resources that are published and reported directly to the Center for Crop Diversification’s website for users’ convenience. Two resources published from my efforts, as well as Savannah Columbia’s efforts, are “Ecommerce Platforms in Kentucky” and “A Quick Look at Kentucky’s Favorite Summertime Small Fruit: Strawberries.”
The Center for Crop Diversification has a detailed and easily navigable website where producers can find a broad variety of resources. Below are some popular and upcoming items frequented on the Center for Crop Diversification’s site.
Price Reports for Kentucky Farmers Markets and Produce Auctions
The Price Reports webpage provides previous reports from various farmers markets and produce auctions to provide insight to price ranges throughout the state.
CCD Resource Update
This resource includes relevant agricultural issues, upcoming resources, and more. The October 2022 and September 2022 issues are two of the most recent.
CCD Newsletter Subscription
The newsletter subscription allows individuals to have the newsletter delivered directly to their inbox. This is a great way to stay up to date on the Center for Crop Diversification and Kentucky Agriculture.
Marketing For All Program
Marketing for All is adaptable market training for small farms with upcoming new additions of Digital Marketing Basics, Personal Selling Skills, Customer Engagement and Retention, and Ad & Photo Tips and Tricks.
The Center for Crop Diversification is a helpful landing ground if you are an established agri-business, or just starting your journey in Kentucky Agriculture. My time with the Center for Crop Diversification has shaped my view of Kentucky Agriculture through our innovative farm market spaces.
Recommended Citation Format:
Fortney, K. "The Center for Crop Diversification: A Resource to Farm Market Vendors and Retail Markets." Economic and Policy Update (22):11, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kentucky, November 29th, 2022.
Author(s) Contact Information:
Katie Fortney | Center for Crop Diversification Intern
Specialty Crops