Sorghum-Corn Comparison Budget | 2016
Sorghum-Corn Comparison Budget | 2016

Purpose: This Decision Aid has been constructed to help producers decide between sorghum and corn production.
Machinery Calculation Sheet: Use this sheet if you want your machinery-related costs calculated based on the
publication "Custom Machinery Rates Applicable to Kentucky (2016)". These estimates include fuel, labor, repairs, overhead and depreciation. Otherwise, you enter your estimates directly in the budgets. When using this sheet follow the specific instructions noted directly in the sheet itself. You can change the base fuel price, labor rate(s), trucking distance, and other parameters (highlighted in blue). Finally, you can also increase or decrease the calculated rates by your specified percentage. To use thes
General Instructions: Main sheet for entering and reviewing results. The data that will have the most impact are the yield differences between sorghum and corn, price differences, nitrogen rate differences, and trucking distances. Enter fertilizer (N,P,K) on an elemental (unit) basis. User can either estimate their own machinery-related costs or have them calculated based on the publication "Custom Machinery Rates Applicable to Kentucky (2016)" (see above). To have them calculated, enter "Y" to the question "Calculate Machinery Related Costs?". Be sure to specify the average points per bushel that you will dry your corn down by.
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