Articles Archive
Displaying 91 - 100 of 281 items
Dairy Margin Coverage Provides Some Help in Challenging Milk Market
By Kenny Burdine | Extension Professor
on Jul. 28, 2023
Dairy producers continue to struggle with decreasing farm-level milk prices and high feed costs. For the first five months of 2023, the US All Milk price averaged $21.16 per cwt, which was more than $4 per cwt lower than the first five months of 2022. In fact, US All Milk dropped below $20 per cwt in May for the first time since October 2021.
Ag Export Growth Subsides Amidst a Changing Global Economy
By Will Snell | Extension Professor
on Jun. 29, 2023
After achieving a record high of $196.4 billion in FY 2022 (October 1, 2021- September 30, 2022), USDA has for the second time reduced its 2023 FY forecast for U.S.
2022 Financial Overview of Kentucky Farms
By Tarrah Hardin | KFBM Area Extension Specialist
on Jun. 29, 2023
After coming off a record high Net farm income (NFI) in 2021, grain farms in Kentucky Farm Business Management (KFBM) program saw their net farm income decrease to levels below pre-pandemic. Net farm income is the value of farm production less total operating expense and deprecation.
Kentucky Dairy Product Shoppers: Perceptions of Local Sourcing and the Environment
By Azita Varziri | Postdoctoral Scholar,
Camille Stevens | Extension Associate,
Shuoli Zhao | Assistant Professor,
and Tim Woods | Extension Professor
Published on Jun. 29, 2023
A significant survey was completed during the early part of 2023, exploring the values and demand perceptions of Kentucky consumers of dairy products. This survey of 827 individuals explored a wide range of attitudes and behaviors connected with a range of food sourcing and impact considerations. Animal agriculture has received considerable at
The PRIMER Method
By Steve Isaacs | Extension Professor
on May. 30, 2023
The calls or emails start with, “I’m thinking about trying….” and end sometime later with, “What do you think?” For three decades I’ve fielded many of these inquiries. Extension agents get them with incredible frequency.
2023 May WASDE Update: Yield is King
By Grant Gardner | Assistant Extension Professor
on May. 30, 2023
Current State of Carbon Market Policies
By Jordan Shockley | Associate Extension Professor
on May. 30, 2023
While traveling across the U.S. discussing carbon markets with various stakeholder groups, one frequently asked question is, “Will the government have its hands in carbon markets?” When this question was asked at the beginning of 2022, my answer was no.
Land Rental Agreements
By Jennifer Rogers | KFBM Area Extension Specialist
on May. 30, 2023
Land rental agreements can come in many shapes, sizes, parameters, and stipulations. Typically, we see three basic land rent types: cash rent, share rent, and the increasingly popular, flex rent. Each rental agreement is likely to be different. This article will just touch on the basics, realizing that each landlord and renter can develop the
H-2A Guest Worker Program for Agricultural Employers
By Laura Powers | KFBM Area Extension Specialist
on Apr. 28, 2023
The H-2A Visa program is a popular program for farmers seeking to hire temporary, seasonal workers. The original H-2 visa program was established with the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 for general nonimmigrant, temporary foreign workers. The 1952 act was later amended by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
Projected Plantings and Historical Accuracy
By Grant Gardner | Assistant Extension Professor
on Apr. 28, 2023
In this article, I discuss the Prospective Planting report for 2023, which provides the first survey-based estimates of farmers' 2023 planting intentions. I first discuss the projections for the United States and Kentucky.